Friday, July 23, 2010

Rugby Rules... head at the moment. It's true...not the Tour de France. Imagine! O Woe! I am having to put my passion on hold, watch short highlights after a stage not the live broadcasts all because I am trying my damnedest to finish a rugby annual I am writing! (it's SA Rugby's first annual starring the new mascot, Bokkie) Now truth be told, it is partly my fault....I took a break over the holidays to be with my kids, then they were sick, then the babysitters were ill...and now I am paying for all that time off! So, nose to the grindstone I must chip away at 64 pages of rugby facts, figures, trivia - all sorts!

My saving grace is that in spite of all my moaning I really do love what I do....and I am at least co-authoring it with a fantastic man at SARU who is really fun to work with. So....8 days to the deadline...things may get a little quiet around here!

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