My grand plan worked on Friday evening, and I had the kids in bed by 615 - utterly shattered. They didn't make a sound until we got home at about 10! We had a lovely time out - I made the mistake of trying to drive like lady when the boys were driving like maniacs! A great outing!
I made these kebabs for dinner - a great make ahead thing for nights like this. I marinaded cubed chicken breasts in this:
- 1/4 cup tomato sauce
- 1 tablespoon soya sauce
- 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
- 2 tablespoons fruit chutney
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 tsp curry powder
for the whole day. Then cut up red pepper into cubes and a red onion into quartered slices. The kids loved helping me to make this just before dinner. For theirs I threaded just chicken onto toothpicks, and the adults ones I used the pepper, onion and chicken on larger kebab sticks and then grilled them. And you know what? the kids devoured them! Oh yes, this one's a winner!
Aragorn avoiding having a picture taken! |
Later on Saturday we attempted Fishoek beach, as did everyone else, and it was most unpleasant. We all had an ice cream (nyum) and left as soon as we could! I'm funny - I love crowds at certain places - the fan walk for example, didn't phase me at all. But this beach on Saturday afternoon made me feel very uncomfortable. Funny huh?
Sunday dawned, another wonderfully beautiful day, and I went off for my first ride of the season. It was beautiful. Truly, (and no, I won't be taking my camera with me every ride!). It was however quite disappointing - I have spun throughout winter (that is the right past tense of spin hey?) and yet I found this ride over Chappies and into Hout Bay so tough! Lucky for me I still have a good few months to train for the Argus!
I got home to find Braveheart had taken the kids to Fishoek beach, so changed my shoes, had a quick shower and joined them there...
Belle loves the beach! |
Aragorn and photos - sigh! |
Sunday afternoon was lazy - we had the future tenants of our house round for tea, and then signed the lease for our new home (cue to celebrate here!)...but sadly won't get the keys until later this month. And family round for a braai. So lovely really!
Oh, and this? This is how my week began this morning - how stunning is this day?
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