My heart has stilled over the last few days.
And I have been tenderly kneaded by my Maker.
I have been made to pause, to see things anew, afresh.
And my heart has leapt. This feeling of him kneading me, molding and shaping and changing me..
....sends tingles down my spine.
It makes me sprout tears. And gut wrenching sobs.
It challenges me to be all that I can be. All that he's made me to be. Simply by letting him do the work.
He has stopped me. Held me. Lovingly shown me that there is actually a different way of living. A life of grace so much deeper than anything I am used to.
A life that measures my children as immeasurable gifts.
A life where joy is important, and sadly too far forgotten in my life.
A life where delight carries weight.
A life where hurry plays no part.
My heart has found its way to a quiet oasis.
And I am inspired.
What a tender, sweet place to find yourself in.